Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Cause

The major cause of the incident is the mistakes by the the operational workers. The workers are inexperiences, and he did what a simple mistakes will done if not taken care properly which cause the reactor to explodes. What he did actually he set the regulator off, causes the reactor to behave unproperly.

The second cause of the incident is the operator had disabled one last safety system still functioning that will shut down the reactor if accident happens. This safety system will enables the reactor to automatically shut down if there is problem happening at the reactor.

The third cause of the incident is the operator also block own automatic shut down on low water level and this caused loss of turbines because the operator fears that the shut down would abort the test and they have to repeat the test again.

All these causes lead to the reactor being unstable and explodes thus creating history as the world worst nuclear disaster in the world.

The Incident

The nuclear power plant was set up to be the safest nuclear power plant ever built. On April 25th, there factor was schedule to shut down for maintenance. While preparing for the shutdown, the operator wanted to perform a test to see how long the turbines could run the emergency cooling system if power is interrupted by accident. With the reactor slowing down in preparation of shutdown, the power in reactor number 4 drops to 1600 mega watts. At this point, only 6 of the minimum of 30 control rods were down making the power to crash down to 30 mega watts only, making the reactor hard to control.  The power then were raised by the operator to 200 mega watts. The the operator make a simple but fatal error by setting the regulator improperly. There were one last safety system that will shut down the reactor but it was disabled. The operator blocked the automatic shutdown because the fear of the shutdown would abort the test and they will have to repeat the test. The operator begin the test, cutting of the steam supply of the remaining turbines. As coolant water began to decrease, the power level began to rise.

Thirty-six seconds after the test has begun,the shift supervisor attempts to drop all control rods back into the reactor realizing the power was rising beyond its limit. In four and a half seconds, the power level inside the reactor rises 120 times the reactor's capacity. The first explosion broke the pressure tubes, releasing steam which blew the contamination lid off the reactor. The second explosion was the reactor fuel and graphite inside the core exploding, sending chunks f graphite and others radioactive elements flying. It destroyed the building and caused more than 30 roof fire.

Blast From the Past!

Saturday April 26th  1986, a day which every living people in Chernobyl Ukraine will remember for the rest of their life. On that very sacred day, the nuclear power plant exploded and release large quantities of radioactives contamination at the atmosphere, which spread over most part of Ukraine especially Chernobyl. The radiation released are more than those of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and it kills people near it, whilst damaging foods and crops.

Facts about the incident:

  1. Chernobyl nuclear power plant : built in Northern Ukraine of Chernobyl
  2. Have four reactor which open online since 1977,1978, 1981 and the last now which exploded end online in 1983.
  3. Time and date of the incident :1.23 a.m n April 26th 1986
  4. Death : Two workers(during the explosion), 28 people (fireman and clean-up workers 3 month after the incident). However, there are many stories on people who actually have died throughout the years after the incident.The numbers are unknown.
  5. How many left in Chernobyl?: 187 small communities
To see more about the chernobyl history, visit the following website


Friday, March 8, 2013

The Objectives of the bLog

Assalamualaikum and Hello..

    My name is Ahmad Asyraf bin Zaba, student from Diploma in English Communication from Kolej Porfesional Mara Indera Mahkota. This blog is created as an assignment for the course Digital and Mobile Communication. I have chosen the topic Nuclear Issue as i will explore and investigate the phenomena that people call nuclear disaster. Thus, the objective of the blog is:

     For the next post, I will first brief you what actually happens in Chernobyl 1986.  Please kindly vote at my blog and also follow me as i will do the same to you. Thank you.